
Location: Underway to San Blas, 10'12.876 N 77'18.335 W

Watch team 3 had a lovely start to these 24 hours as we woke up to the wonderful words, “Wear your foulies.” The waves and wind had picked up quite a bit, possibly the roughest conditions we have had since starting this program. I was up first on boat check, for which I was double-tethered and on all fours. I encountered two dead fish washed onto the deck. Thankfully, the first five minutes of my night set the bar pretty low, so things only got better. On watch, Anton and I played a round of a lighthearted sailing game: “Would You Rather…”. After lots of seaspray, rough helming, and fighting (and losing) our battles with sleep deprivation, watch team 3 was graciously relieved by the excellent and highly qualified watch team 1. Due to treacherous galley conditions, Makena and Melina made their 4 AM ramen in full size mixing bowls, while I opted to avoid splashing boiling water all together due to prior experience. We all got some sleep, wedging ourselves between the wall and various flotation devices for optimal stabilization. Sadly, our beds were pretty wet due to leaky hatches, and our room shares its limited airspace with 20 people’s toilets.

Nonetheless, it is still delightful to get in bed. After everyone was awake later, the rest of the day was full of laughter (Claire got soaked through the gopher hole), tears (engine room, no need to elaborate), and brave seasickness warriors. We also had marine biology and leadership class, and Pieter, Olivia, and Toby made two fantastic meals.

Mom, Dad, Anna, and Daisy – I miss you!