
Location: Underway to Tuamotus

“I feel like the main staysail. I’m about to be blown away.”
“Wow, it was so windy. I was nearly blown away. I had to scoot!”
“Coolest moment on board yet”
“I now know what it means to be swept off your feet.”

Some live witness accounts from here on board Argo as she’s cruising on her way to the Tuamotus. Watch team 1 rose at 3:45 this morning to a more than average windy watch after Watch team 3 experienced a squall passing through after a wind-less night. With the wind having picked back up, the rest of the morning was spent in discussion with Skipper Penelope and watch team leaders, Kelsey and Olivia, deciding if we should put back up any of the sails to utilize the wind while it was there. As the morning progressed, the wind continued to die, and as the sun rose, the sails stayed down. The rest of the day was spent with a CLOA meeting before lunch (Coffee Lovers of Argo) and Oceanography and Leadership classes in the afternoon.