
Location: Bermuda

Last night we had an explosive game of trivia about the program and people on board hosted by me. It is the day before our last long passage aboard STV Vela since we depart from Bermuda tomorrow with Saba set in our sights. Though the sky was dreary, the seas calm, and the wind howling, the day was filled with Prince’s Raspberry Berets, deep-sea fish in Blue Planet 2, and more Navmaster practice exams! The morning started at the ripe hour of 5 for Tom, and I as we sat in the salon counting filters, and then Leoni joined us to draw on t-shirts, so we drank our morning hot beverages and listened to Fleetwood Mac. The rest of the boat was woken up to a plethora of songs, including Shakira’s Waka Waka, Spice Girl’s Wannabe, Dragonforce’s Through Fire and Flames, and Cher’s Believe. The remainder of the morning, for me, was spent in the engine room wrestling with a pump for the chart house heads (it ultimately won). The students in Shona’s group 2 Navmaster class took their practice exam, and then the afternoon was filled with Oceanography, passage prep, and Blue Planet 2. Squeeze tonight was one thing overrated and one thing that is underrated, so of course, wrench fingers were underrated, in my opinion.

Photo 1: My new hiding spot in the Engine Room rudely interrupted by Tom
Photo 2: Will after a long day in the galley
Photo 3: Val cleaning the salon