Location: Great Harbor Peter, Savannah Bay
Today was a very exciting day because it was our first day of sailing! We woke up and ate delicious eggs with cranberry-orange muffins. We then were introduced to our new home and how to sail it! We were given information about all of the sails, how to use them, and how to take them down. After successfully getting all the sails up, we set sail from Great Harbor, Peter Island, to Savannah Bay. We had great pizza bagels for lunch. After lunch, people were split up into two groups. The first group consisted of open water divers, who went over the first chapters in their scuba diving manuals. The second group, our rescue divers, went over their first chapters as well. While the reviews were happening, Mike and I helped Kevin, the captain, put on all the sail covers to protect the sails. Once the reviews were done, I helped Faloon and the rescue divers with their first exercises. They practiced different tows and ways to approach panicked divers. Faloon and I acted as panicked divers, which was very entertaining! Laurie snorkeled with the open water divers, with Mike as her divemaster. Once the showers were done, we had dinner, which was great tonight because we did not get rained out. The weather was perfect for dinner! We learned who inspires each person the most and why, which was so interesting. Tonight, we are going to have our oceanography and marine biology introductions, and we will learn more about various parts of the boat. Day 3 was a success!